Visually Akin Products

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akin2 helps you find similar images of products for the home

Explore images of home products

Do you have an idea of a product you want to purchase in mind? Perhaps you want a new rug? Are you renovating your house and need new wallpaper or glass mosiac tiles? Are you building your home and need stone siding or marble flooring tiles?

Choose a product category and we'll start our visual product search!

Find product images you like

With so many styles and patterns available, it can be hard to narrow down your desired product. We'll start by looking at a collage of images of home products in your chosen category. You can compare among styles to find one that catches your eye.

Choose an image you like, and we'll start refining your visual product search.

Refine to find visually akin images

Once you click on a picture you like, we'll show you visually similar products in the same category. Click on these images to refine your visual search.

Once you find an image you like, click the "Check it out!" button to be directed to our affiliate site to find out more information on your chosen product.

News & Updates

samples of viewed home building materials

View your recent images March 26, 2017

Hey! You can now view your most recent product searches! Look down at the bottom of each page after you visit some products.

collage of stone veneer sidings

New category: Stone veneer siding March 15, 2017

We just added exterior stone sidings to our site, so you can browse through organized pictures of exterior stone sidings to find new designs and patterns.

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