Top 5 Reasons ...

Why Rugs Are A Good Buy

Example curated selection of rugs, from our rug exploration tool.

Rugs are a great buy for your home because they offer you choices! It’s a nice change from being stuck with a large, hard to clean carpet in an annoying colour or texture. You can find rugs in various sizes and shapes, and they come in a wide range of prices for every budget. Each purchase offers you the chance to add colour and design into your home.

You may fall in love with a gorgeously patterned rug for your living room, drool over a cosy white rug for the baby’s room, or just smile with contentment when you eye that sturdy thick rug in the cold basement. Should that rug cease to bring joy, it’s easy to roll up and pass it on!

Here are our top 5 reasons why you should buy a rug

Here we go,

  1. Rugs can reduce allergies
  2. Knock that dirt out of your home! To get rid of dust and dirt, simply pick up your rug, shake it out, vacuum it, and wash the floor underneath it. Finally, when doing a more thorough clean, throw your rug in the washing machine or take it to the dry cleaners.

  3. Rugs reduce sound
  4. Does clicking heels on your hallway's hardwood floor annoy you? Quiet those heels with a nice long rug.

  5. Rugs fit your budget
  6. Relax, you can find a great rug and still have some money in your bank account.

  7. Rugs solve problems
  8. Do you have pets, kids, or cold areas in your home? Throw down a rug! Pets love to sleep on a soft rug, kids spend hours playing on them, and you can warm that chilly floor by laying one down. Rugs are built for almost any job!

  9. Rugs create ambiance
  10. Pick a colour, pattern and texture and bring warmth physically and visually to an area. Be as passionate and practical as you want to be!

If you are looking to explore different patterns and types of rugs, start by checking out our curated selection of rugs! You'll see an overview of many different types and styles of rugs. When you see one you like, click on it to be shown other visually similar rugs.

Hopefully this list, and this rug selection tool help make your choice easier!

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